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SH-DON-3-Glucoside in ACN

BiopureTM U-[13C21]-Deoxynivalenol-3-Glucoside - 10 µg/mL in acetonitrile

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Description & Properties

13C isotope fully labelled mycotoxins are internal standards for mass spectrometry. All the carbon atoms in the molecules are replaced by the stable carbon isotype. With 13C fully labelled mycotoxin standards, recovery losses from sample preparation and matrix effects in the MS source can be eliminated.
Product/EnvironmentProduct Testing
Storage Temperature2°C - 8°C
AnalyteDeoxynivalenol*, Trichotecenes B
Storage Temperature2°C - 8°C
Industry/MarketAnimal Feed, Food & Beverage, Laboratory, University & Research, Milling & Grain, Petfood
Molecular weight (g/mol)479,46
CAS Number131180-21-7 (unlabeled)
Concentration50 µg/mL