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Aquaculture & Seafood

We understand that ensuring the safety of fish and seafood products is essential for both consumers and manufacturers. At Romer Labs, we offer a broad range of solutions to address critical issues, such as mycotoxins, food allergens, and microbiology. Our innovative testing solutions, along with our exceptional services and support, help identify potential risks and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. With our solutions, you can be confident that your fish and seafood products meet the highest safety and quality standards.

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Manage your
Mycotoxin Risk

Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites produced by molds that can contaminate a wide range of crop plants and fruits. When contaminated, these crops become toxic to humans and animals, making them a major health issue.

To ensure food and feed safety, more than 100 countries have established regulations for mycotoxins in food and feed. Therefore, reliable testing solutions as part of an efficient mycotoxin risk management program are essential.

With over 40 years of experience in this field, Romer Labs offers the most comprehensive portfolio of mycotoxin testing solutions, which includes:

  • Test kits for detecting regulated mycotoxins in agricultural commodities, grain by-products, and feed formulations.
  • The broadest range of mycotoxin reference materials currently available on the market.
  • Columns for one-step and immunoaffinity cleanup.
  • Analytical services in our four ISO 17025-accredited laboratories located in the United States, Austria, Singapore, and China.


Control Your Food Allergen Risk with Ease

Food allergens represent an ever-present risk for individuals with allergies. Using reliable test kits to accurately detect potential allergen contamination has become a critical necessity for food producers.

Romer Labs offers the most complete portfolio of allergen test kits for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of food allergens. These tests can be used for different applications, and cover all steps in the food production process:

  • Testing of raw materials and finished food samples
  • Analysis of rinse waters (as part of cleaning validation)
  • Detection of allergens in environmental swab samples


Hygiene and
Pathogen Control

Food safety relies heavily on the hygienic conditions in food manufacturing facilities. The presence of high levels of non-pathogenic bacteria can affect the shelf life and quality of foodstuffs for consumers. Equally important is the absence of pathogens in food that could potentially cause illness. Food manufacturers must be diligent in keeping their processing environment clean and free of debris to prevent the cross-contamination of the final product.

Learn more about our solutions for:

  • Process hygiene: Our CytoQuant® mobile flow cytometer, the HygieneChek™ Plus dip-slides, and RapidChek® Total Protein test strips can help maintain process hygiene by detecting the presence of microorganisms and protein residues.

  • Pathogen testing: Our RapidChek® lateral flow devices are designed for the rapid detection of common pathogens, such as Salmonella, Listeria, and E. coli, in food and environmental samples.

  • Microbial sampling: Our sterile specimen collection and surface sampling kits are easy to use and provide accurate results, making it easy for food manufacturers to monitor and maintain hygiene levels.