SH-FluoroQuant Aflatoxin
FluoroQuant® Aflatoxin
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The FluoroQuant® Aflatoxin Plus test kit is a rapid, quantitative fluorometric test for detection of total aflatoxins (B1, B2, G1, G2), based on a solid phase extraction clean-up.
Number of tests | 25 |
Materials supplied in the standard product
- developer concentrate vials
- diluent
- 12x75 mm cuvettes with caps
- pipette tips
- filter paper
- disposable transfer pipettes
- SolSep® 2001 Aflatoxin Columns
Materiais necessários, mas não fornecidos
- for soy and corn/soy blend: 86/14 (v:v) acetonitrile/water extraction solvent (acetonitrile must be HPLC grade)
- 80/20 (v:v) methanol/water extraction solvent
- Romer Series III fluorometer or FQ-Reader with printer
- set of calibrator ampoules
- blender
- blender jars
- extraction jars or containers
- vortex mixer
- scale
- syringe plunger and stopper assembly
- repipettor
- pipettes - 1000 µL and 500 µL
- test tube rack
- graduated cylinder - 100 mL
- funnel
- timer